This is a new international, interdisciplinary, double blind peer-reviewed, digital, and open-access journal in the field of criminology. With this new venue for discussion, we aim to facilitate critical dialogue between scholars of criminology and interlocutors from related domains. For our debates, we invite fellow academics, practitioners, policy-makers, journalists as well as anybody else with an interest in any aspect of criminology. The potential conversations will include, but are not limited to, contemporary issues of crime and conflict, supplemented by interconnected matters such as harm, risk, violence, (in)justice, security, ethics and law.
The fundamental idea behind this journal is that of “encountering”. An “encounter” evokes the idea of solidary gatherings, moments to get together and build common projects as well as moments of confrontation. In academia, these gatherings, get-togethers, projects, and confrontations are at times intellectual in nature and at others are more explicitly political. The reference to these heated encounters is an acknowledgement of the historical roots of criminology as a “rendezvous” field, situated at the intersection where academic disciplines such as law, sociology, psychology – but also other less obvious disciplines like geography, biology, and mathematics – meet to discuss (the causes and consequences of) crime.