Together with La Voix des Sans-Papiers Bruxelles (VSP), our research group organises an exhibition on feelings of insecurity in public spaces among undocumented migrants. It is the result of a participatory process and starts from the initiative of the research partner (VSP).
The exhibition starts from the idea that spaces - cities, public places and communal spaces - are full of visible and invisible boundaries. These boundaries determine who has access and who does not, who is allowed to be there and who is not. For undocumented migrants, these borders have major consequences. They exclude them from social rights and protection and expose them to migration control tools including deportation and detention. All this affects their feelings of insecurity and their experience of the city.
Through drawings, photos, videos, texts and testimonies, the exhibition recounts the tension between places of insecurity and safety, between visibility and invisibility, between exclusion and inclusion.
The exhibition takes place in a symbolic place: in one of VSP's occupations. As a result, the content and location of the exhibition fit together perfectly.
The exhibition is free of charge for everyone.