VUB and the CRiS research group strives to create an optimal research climate. We recognise and implement the principles of scientific integrity in our research as stipulated in a number of key documents such as the European Code of Conduct for Scientific Integrity of ALLEA and the European Charter for Researchers. The CRiS research group implements those principles by cooperating with the Flemish Commission for Scientific Integrity (VCWI) and the Flemish Interuniversity Council (VLIR).
Our researchers take personal responsibility for scientific integrity. They must be aware of and respect standards of scientific integrity and good scientific practice. These standards are the basis for qualitative and socially relevant research. Breaches of the principles of scientific integrity and against good scientific practice are handled by the VUB's Committee for Scientific Integrity (CWI).
Our researchers (and master's students) often collaborate with other universities or institutions, exchanging data as part of their research projects.
To ensure transparency, individuals are informed about the collection of their personal data through a privacy statement on the CRiS website. Below, you can access the recently established data sharing protocols.
Data sharing protocols
Protocol Agentschap Justitie en Handhaving_Probatiedossier (457.73 KB) "pdf", Addendum Agentschap Justitie en Handhaving (111.77 KB) "pdf"
Protocol Agentschap Justitie en Handhaving_Werkstraffen (426.01 KB) "pdf"