Our teambuilding
This week our annual CRiS team building took place, this time in Hainaut! 🌳 We enjoyed a beautiful hike full of group-binding tasks. In the evening we enjoyed a tasty BBQ and a fun karaoke night. Here's to more moments like these!Call for papers - Journal Criminological Encounters
We are excited to announce the Call for Papers for our upcoming special issue on the Criminology of War. In all submissions, authors are encouraged to analyse and utilise a variety of sources from different disciplines.Vacture: praktijkassistent 'Statistiek' (50%)
Momenteel zijn we voor het Assisterend Academisch Personeel van de Faculteit Recht en Criminologie, vakgroep Criminologie, op zoek naar een praktijkassistent. Meer informatie kan je hier vinden.The GATHERINGS website is live! 🚀
The Horizon Europe project GATHERINGS, coordinated by Lucas Melgaço and Mattias De Backer, has just launched its website, containing all necessary information about the project as well as resources for scholars, policy-makers, event organisers and police agencies involved in the securitization and s...New Issue: Affective and sensory criminologies
A new issue has just been published from Criminological Encounters with the theme 'Affective and sensory criminologies', guest edited by Alison Young, Juliet Rogers and Bill McClanahan. You can find the issue here.Professor Dr. Sonja Snacken, Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws 2022, University of Glasgow
VUB professor Sonja Snacken has been awarded the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws 2022 by the University of Glasgow. She is receiving it for her outstanding contribution to the advancement of human rights.Generatie BX
Jasmien Bougrine voert een doctoraatsonderzoek uit naar processen van identificering en categorisering bij Brusselse, urban jongeren.Sonja Snacken is receiving the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from University of Liege
Member Sonja Snacken is receiving the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from University of Liege tomorrow!Martial Arts in Prison
Martial Arts in Prison? A video on the possibilities of a boxing programme in detention with a contribution of our colleague Yana Jaspers.Professors Els Enhus and Sofie De Kimpe on confrontation between police and protesters in Brussels
Collega's prof. Sofie De Kimpe en prof. Els Enhus stonden Bruzz te woord naar aanleiding van de recente schermutselingen en vertrouwensbreuk tussen de Brusselse politie en betogers.Interview with Prof. Els Enhus concerning Brussels' security policy
Naar aanleiding van de vijfde verjaardag van de Brusselse aanslagen en de veiligheidsmaatregelen die sindsdien genomen zijn, in het bijzonder de oprichting van het gloednieuwe gewestelijke crisiscentrum, werd onze collega, professor Els Enhus, geïnterviewd.VUB Chair in Surveillance Studies Seminar III: Panel discussion on Educational Surveillance
When: Thursday 4 February, 2021 - 17:00 until 18:30 Where: Online Teams meeting Held by the VUB Chair in Surveillance Studies INTRODUCTION Since the start of the 21st Century, schools have been increasingly implementing surv...
- Practical info-
Public Space in Migration Research
Crime & Society Research Group (CRiS), BIRMM, and Brussels Centre for Urban Studies are getting together to organise an exciting workshop on the role of (public) space in migration research. The workshop focuses on exploring the role of (public) space as a site of social research and a s
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Studienamiddag Community Policing: Nieuwe impulsen voor gemeenschapsgerichte politiezorg in België
Uitgeverij Politeia en de Vrije Universiteit Brussel nodigen u uit op de studienamiddag:
Refund Community Policing! Nieuwe impulsen voor gemeenschapsgerichte politiezorg in België
- Practical info-
We are eager to announce that Jasmien Bougrine will be defending her doctoral thesis in Criminological Sciences titled: ‘(Un)like the other(s): How urban youth (in Brussels) experience superdiversity & in- and exclusion'.
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Public Doctoral Defence: Marijke Van Buggenhout
We are eager to announce that Marijke Van Buggenhout will be defending her doctoral thesis in Criminological Sciences titled: ‘Paper Borders. Children and Young People Inside the Belgian Asylum Procedure. A Multi-voiced and Performative Study’.
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Municipal apps: Citizens’ Participation for a better urban public space? A public seminar
Municipal applications are becoming a commonplace feature of urban life, with citizens increasingly using mobile and web platforms to voice their concerns over incidents of urban disorder and minor offenses in public space.