The Research Group Crime & Society (CRiS) is part of the Faculty of Law and Criminology of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. We undertake critical and multidisciplinary research in Youth Criminology, Penology, Urban Criminology, and Policing and Surveillance. CRiS scholarship focuses on the experiences and perceptions of crime control actors and of those subjected to crime control.
Our researchers are committed to knowledge exchange with criminal justice practitioners, policy makers, and research subjects, to create collaborative, timely, and impactful research. We offer an intellectual and collegial academic environment to study crime control. Our research is frequently collaborative; undertaking comparative research projects with international visiting researchers
Our teambuilding
This week our annual CRiS team building took place, this time in Hainaut! 🌳 We enjoyed a beautiful hike full of group-binding tasks. In the evening we enjoyed a tasty BBQ and a fun karaoke night. Here's to more moments like these!Call for papers - Journal Criminological Encounters
We are excited to announce the Call for Papers for our upcoming special issue on the Criminology of War. In all submissions, authors are encouraged to analyse and utilise a variety of sources from different disciplines.Vacture: praktijkassistent 'Statistiek' (50%)
Momenteel zijn we voor het Assisterend Academisch Personeel van de Faculteit Recht en Criminologie, vakgroep Criminologie, op zoek naar een praktijkassistent. Meer informatie kan je hier vinden.
- Practical info-
Public Space in Migration Research
Crime & Society Research Group (CRiS), BIRMM, and Brussels Centre for Urban Studies are getting together to organise an exciting workshop on the role of (public) space in migration research. The workshop focuses on exploring the role of (public) space as a site of social research and a s
- Practical info-
Studienamiddag Community Policing: Nieuwe impulsen voor gemeenschapsgerichte politiezorg in België
Uitgeverij Politeia en de Vrije Universiteit Brussel nodigen u uit op de studienamiddag:
Refund Community Policing! Nieuwe impulsen voor gemeenschapsgerichte politiezorg in België
- Practical info-
We are eager to announce that Jasmien Bougrine will be defending her doctoral thesis in Criminological Sciences titled: ‘(Un)like the other(s): How urban youth (in Brussels) experience superdiversity & in- and exclusion'.