Yana Jaspers
Yana Jaspers holds a Master’s degree in Criminology (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 2010) and a Master’s degree in Sexology (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 2013). She obtained her PhD, which focused on juvenile transfer and the trajectories into adulthood from youngsters who were transferred out of juvenile and into adult court in 2018. Yana is currently a part-time assistant professor Youth Criminology and a part-time post-doctoral researcher at the Strategic Research Programme of CRiS. Her research interests are: juvenile transfer, social exclusion, researching impact, trajectories, ethnic diversity & police and intersections between criminology and sexology. She is also doing research on the experiences of malpractice in transnational adoption.
Research Line
Current Research Projects
COURSES (2023-2024)
Wetenschappelijke integriteit en ethiek in de praktijk van criminologisch onderzoek
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussels