An explorative research of police decision-making and attitudes on stopping and searching citizens
Description: This project explores stop and search (S&S) practices in Belgium by observing incidents and interviewing the police officers involved. This research is relevant to the field of police studies in particular, and criminological research in general, for three reasons. First, this research will remedy the blind spot in criminological research on S&S police practices in Belgium, by developing insights into how S&S occurs, gathering data about who is stopped and searched, and its heterogeneity. Secondly, this research will analyse the complexity of officer’s decision-making during S&S situations and identify the elements that influencing officers’ use of discretion. Thirdly, this research will contribute significantly to criminological debates around police legitimacy and procedural justice.
Outputs: PhD disseration and academic publications
Coordinator: Sofie De Kimpe & Jenneke Christiaens
Researcher: Inès Saudelli
Funding: Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (FWO)
Duration: January 2017 – December 2020