Kristof Verfaillie
Kristof Verfaillie is assistant-professor in Criminology. He is a Master of Criminological Sciences, Master of European Criminology and European Criminal Justice Systems, and has a PhD in Criminological Sciences. Prior to joining CRiS, Kristof was a researcher at The Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy (IRCP) at Ghent University, and the Law Science, Technology and Society Studies (LSTS) research group at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He was a guest lecturer at the National School for Officers (Belgian Federal Police) and a visiting scholar at the University of Edinburgh (2019).
His research focuses on crime control transformations, reform and social change. He currently supervises phd-research into the effects of counterterrorism policing; the dilemmas of communicating terrorism threats; urban youth identity in superdiverse cities; and participatory action research to develop a multi-agency approach in crime control and understand its effects on repeat offending. He also regularly participates in government funded evaluation and implementation research.
Current research projects
Strategic Research Programme: Public policy of the 'other'
SAMEN: Snel Alternatief Maatwerk Efficient & Effectief Nabij
The success of crime policy narratives
Violent extremism through the lens of neutralisation theory
Courses (2024-2025)
Kwantitatief criminologisch onderzoek
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussels