Description: From the daily practice of police and prosecutors, a great need is felt to respond more adequately to common local crime. Current work processes mean that the response to criminal offences and the effective implementation of this decision cannot always be given in time and, for this reason, often lacks effect for the offender, victim and society.
It is precisely to this demand that the Public Prosecutor's Office, together with its chain partners, wishes to respond by launching the "SAMEN" project. This project wants to establish an efficiently structured and multidisciplinary partnership that systematically organises individual prevention or exit strategies. The aim is to prevent at-risk youths from sliding into a criminal lifestyle and getting caught up in criminal networks.
Coordinator: Openbaar ministerie Antwerpen
Promotors: Kristof Verfaillie
Researchers: Randy Haers
Partners: Stad Mechelen, Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur en Agentschap Opgroeien
Funding: Vlaamse Agentschap Justitie en Handhaving
Duration: 1/09/21 → 31/08/25